Heads Will Roll

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It isn’t entirely clear how it happened, but it would appear that I missed an entire show full of violent femme awesomeness during NYFW this past February.
Being so engrossed in the world of sartorial witchery as of late, and what’s more, finding out that I am not alone, is enough to make be want to hang  my black-feathered hat in shame.

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Thom Browne, who is known for his menswear-influenced clean cuts, (most recently seen on Michelle Obama) probably thumbed his nose and smirked quietly, as he said to himself, “I’ll give them menswear-influenced clean cuts, alright…”

Menswear inspired? Check. Clean cuts? Check. Neutral shades? Check.

The images those words conjured are probably very different from the ones you see here.. And that’s exactly the point, I think. It’s menswear seen though a sort of maddened girlish kaleidoscope.Twisted almost by magic. And those neutral shades? Brought to another level by the heavy use of red roses and embellishments.

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photo 2It isn’t a large leap to think of these ladies as varied incarnations of Alice In Wonderland‘s iconic Queen of Hearts.  Surely, Alice will  be the first to attest to the red queen’s undeniable witch-like leanings. And if she doesn’t? Well, then off with her…well, you know.



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