Green with Saltiness

Sometimes, Fashion Week is just overwhelming. The drama, the fabrics, the details. There’s often just so much, that the true reasons for why I liked an individual designer, or even just one piece over the other get buried in my phone. Awesome couture (well, RTW) lost in a sea of selfies and latte snaps. It can bring you down, if you let it.

This time around, however, there are just so many generally bad-ass looking, yet super wearable pieces, that it was all harder to forget. If I’m being honest, it probs had a lot to do with the fact that it all weirdly reflects some combinations that have been lurking around my closet already, which will need to be reimagined for next season.

Take for example, these bad boy looks by Hillier Bartley:

It had not occurred to me to combine a very British looking houndstooth coat with a short jumper, but that’s probably only because I’ve been slacking, and don’t own those sick ass boots.

Secondly, check out this bad-assery by Ami:

Yes, this is mainly a Menswear collection, but if that’s all you’re thinking, then I am majorly disappointed. Because what you should be thinking is, “Holy Hillbillies, every green piece of clothing I own is entirely the wrong shade of green.”

I mean, that’s what I thought, anyway. I wear lots of olive green, but do you know what I have none of? Minty green. Or even more tragic: That awesome pistachio green. I will not be making any envy jokes at this time, I swear.

Finally, I had a thought the other day, that maybe it was time to be off the boxy fits for next season. So, about that…

There is a chance I will be delaying that initiative.

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